The files on this page can be downloaded by clicking on the link. As far as I know the files and programs can be used for personal use or are shareware. There may be new versions of the software out on the net somewhere. I have not looked this is just stuff I had laying around. No I can't tell you why it does not work, load or look right on your machine you are totally on your own. I have scanned all the files for viruses but download at your own risk.....
RC flight simulator ... very low tech. runs in DOS I think. Be sure to read the readme file after unzipping the program. This is freeware.
Airfoil computation program
This program will allow you to change an airfoil to your specs. The program will not print hard copy but will display on the screen. In order to get a hard copy you will need a CAD program that reads DXF files like Autocad.
This is a zip file of air plane related clipart and icons some of which are used on this web site. Some of the GIF files are animated but you will not see them move unless they are on a web page.
Link to Microsoft download page
Download FREE Microsoft WORD viewer lets you read & print Word documents on this page.
You Only need this if you DO NOT have MS Word 6 (for win95) or above.
Get the one for Windows 95 or Windows (3.1) The one for Word 97 may work not sure.
This is the Engine problem troubleshooting page in MS Word 6 format zipped
This is the Engine problem Check List in MS WORD 6 Format zipped
Word for windows documents.
This is a zip file of small word documents that I have written for various reasons. There is a battery charge log, wire labels for servos, plus some labels and signs I use when displaying models at our annual mall show.
This is the Hobby Pox page in MS WORD 6 Format. Zipped
(Note: This document may give you an error on loading, but will load correctly. It is looking for a graphic that is not there)
This is the Modeling Tips and Tricks Page in MS 6 WORD Format. Zipped
(Note: This document may give you an error on loading, but will load correctly. It is looking for a graphic that is not there)
This is the Getting Started in RC Flying Page in MS WORD 6 Format. Zipped
(Note: This document may give you an error on loading, but will load correctly. It is looking for a graphic that is not there)
This page updated 6/19/2002